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Why flea treatment for dogs is important

Fleas can make a dog very uncomfortable and even cause certain illnesses, so it’s important to have your dog treated before the problem gets out of control.

What happens if fleas are left untreated

If you don’t try to get rid of the fleas on your dog, they can become so itchy that they scratch themselves red raw and even develop open wounds. Also, if you have a puppy or small dog that has lots of fleas, they could become anaemic and develop a low red blood cell count. Tapeworms can be passed on if an infected flea is eaten by the dog and fleas can also pass on certain diseases that both you and your pet could catch.  

How to identify fleas

If you look through your dog’s fur and notice small black flecks, then this is likely to be flea dirt. Your dog will also be scratching more than usual. If you spend a lot of time away from your dog, then additional scratching might be hard to spot. If your dog wears an Animo activity and behaviour monitor, then this can tell you if there is an increase in your dog’s scratching, helping you to identify fleas in the early stages so that your dog can get treatment as soon as possible. Once you suspect fleas, your vet will be able to confirm if your dog has fleas.

Flea treatment

Fleas can strike at any time of the year, so many dog owners choose to treat their pets all year round. There are different types of flea treatments available, including:

  • Spot-ons
  • Flea collars
  • Flea sprays
  • Flea tablets
  • Flea shampoos

Speak to your vet about the best treatment that will suit you and your pet as some are more long-term than others. In addition to treating your dog, it’s also a good idea to treat your home. It’s important to remember that household flea spray should never be used on your dog.

Once you have got into a routine with your dog’s flea treatment, it’s very easy to manage this as part of your dog’s care.

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