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Keeping an eye on sleep patterns and spotting disruptions

Dogs like to sleep; on average they can sleep between 10-14 hours a day. The amount of sleep that each dog needs varies from dog to dog, but it is vital for your dog’s health, and either a lack of or too much sleep, could be a sign of a health condition or a disruptive environment. Puppies need up to 18 – 22 hours of sleep while their bodies are still developing, and senior dogs also require more sleep than average.


Keeping an eye on your dog’s sleeping patterns

It can be very difficult to keep track of your dog’s sleeping patterns, mainly because they will be resting during the day when you are out, and during the night, when you are likely to be sleeping yourself. You may hear them stir but it is hard to understand the full extent of their movement.

Excess sleep can be linked to one of several conditions

Depression. Dogs may suffer from depression similarly to how humans do, which can lead to changes in their sleeping patterns. Other symptoms of depression can include a change in appetite, a lack of motivation, and anxiety.

Hypothyroidism. Most common in mid-size or large-size dogs, the symptoms of hypothyroidism come from lower levels of thyroid hormones and slows down the metabolism.

Deafness. If a dog does not wake up at the sound of noise or seek out the source of noise, it may be a sign of deafness. Acquired deafness is common in older dogs.

Diabetes. Weakness, weight loss, and lethargy are among the symptoms of diabetes in dogs. Spontaneous cases of diabetes typically occur in middle-aged dogs.

Decreased sleep or restlessness  

Lack of sleep can be a key indicator of several conditions, which include – but are not limited to:

Lack of exercise. Be sure to have a regular exercise schedule that meets the needs of your dog, depending on their age and breed. If your dog has not exercised sufficiently during the day, they may have excess energy at night and difficulty settling down.

Anxiety. Some forms of anxiety in dogs cause them to pace, bark, shake, or tremble, preventing them from getting the sleep they need. Anxiety can be treated in several ways, ranging from behaviour modification therapy to medication.

Senility or cognitive dysfunction. As dogs age, their behaviours change. Some may experience significant changes in their sleep/wake cycles, decreased activity and social interaction, and increased anxiety and disorientation.

Effective Sleep Tracking

A simple solution for effective sleep monitoring is investing in an activity and behaviour monitor. Animo can track your dog’s sleep patterns when you’re not able to. Every day your dog will get a sleep score, so you can easily compare against previous nights, plus, if they have a bad night, the app will alert you to it. Animo can also help you track the long-term sleep patterns of your dog, so you can see how their patterns might change over time.

For more information about Animo, check out our webshop or read our Animo case studies.


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