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International Cat Care – Charity Overview

International Cat Care helps owned and unowned cats the world over. The charity was started back in 1958 to challenge the sub-standard veterinary care that was about at the time for cats.

Originally known as The Feline Advisory Bureau, the charity pushed for improvements in feline medicine and welfare. It wasn't easy - there were many setbacks on the road - but little by little things have changed for the better and feline medicine is now taken far more seriously the world over.

Renamed International Cat Care in 2013 to reflect its global aspirations, it is now one of the most respected feline charities in the world, training thousands of vets and vet nurses every year and offering advice and information to cat owners everywhere. The charity has transformed the way that veterinary clinics treat cats with the worldwide introduction of accredited Cat Friendly Clinics and has campaigned on health issues, catteries, poisons, behaviour, safety, nutrition and a host of other feline related topics.

The charity can look back with pride on 60 years of hard work for cats, but there is still so much to be done. Life on the streets is particularly tough for cats whose existence, beset by disease, danger and cruelty, can be nasty, brutish and short. So International Cat Care is now focusing on the future and finding ways to make life better for unowned cats. They're planning to work with cat homing centres by supporting the staff to help cats more effectively, and by seeking better solutions for the many feral and semi-feral cats who may not want a home but who can benefit from neutering, regular feeding and a warm place to sleep. They're also looking at future innovations and hope it won't be long before non-surgical forms of neutering will become available.

International Cat Care already reaches around 25 million cats a year through their work, but they believe there is scope to do so much more. They're proud of their past and excited about the future.

Thursday 21st June 2018 will be a special evening in Cambridge for cat fans! Cambridge Cat Clinic in Fulbourn will be getting together with Sure Petcare to hold a cat themed party to celebrate all things feline as part of International Cat Care's 60th anniversary festivities. It's going to be a great evening - and you're invited! More information about the event can be found here.

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