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How to keep your dog entertained while you’re on holiday

To ensure your dog is entertained while you are on holiday, choose a location that is well suited to your dog’s needs and feeds their sense of adventure. While small dogs could be happy exploring a town, larger dogs might want to stretch their legs in the countryside.

Here are some top tips to give you ideas on how to entertain your dog while you’re away from home.

Exciting terrain

Sweeping hills lined with public footpaths are perfect holiday locations for dogs, allowing you to exercise them thoroughly and allow them to explore. Meanwhile, a visit to a forest will give your dog plenty of enrichment and lots of sticks to play with!

If your dog is a fan of water and likes to go for a swim, lakeside locations or beaches are ideal. Beware of signs that deter swimming and avoid rivers with strong currents.


Make sure there are things to interest your dog in your chosen accommodation, such as a garden or a resident dog to play with. 

Dog toys

Don’t forget to take a good selection of your dog’s favourite toys with you when you go on holiday. They’ll keep your furry friend entertained if you want to have a lie in or when you need time to organise things for the day ahead.

Activity breaks

There are activity breaks designed especially for dogs offering dog agility courses, treasure hunts, organised walks and more. It’s a great way to explore the local area and meet other like-minded dog owners.

Training holidays

Need to brush up your dog’s training? A dog training holiday will keep your dog entertained and send you both home with a new set of skills.

Dog-friendly cafes and restaurants

When you go out for lunch or dinner, try to find somewhere to eat with outdoor seating or a place that allows dogs inside. If your dog has to wait outside while you go in he could get bored.

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