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What to do if your cat goes missing

If your cat goes missing it can be a stressful time but remember that some cats can wander off for a few days at a time and return all on their own. Try not to panic and follow these steps to give you a better chance of finding them.

Hiding places

Check your cat’s usual hiding places and ask neighbours to check in their garages or sheds in case your cat has decided to take cover inside, just in case a neighbour has unwittingly closed a door on your hiding cat.

Inside or outside?

Look for your cat inside the house as well as outside. You never know, your cat might have accidentally been shut away in a cupboard without you realising. If you have a Microchip Cat Flap Connect or a Microchip Pet Door Connect, check whether your cat came inside or went outside the last time they used the cat flap so that you can narrow down your search area.

Call your cat

Whilst you’re searching, call out your cat’s name and pause to listen in different areas of your house or garden. Do this at quiet times so that if your cat is meowing, you will have a better chance of hearing them if they’re trapped somewhere. You could also try calling your cat at different times of the day as they might be closer to home at certain times.

Your cat’s microchip

If your cat is microchipped, contact the microchipping database your cat is registered with to report that they have gone missing. Don’t forget to update them if you find your cat.


Make posters reporting that your cat has gone missing and display them around the neighbourhood or post them through your neighbours’ doors.

Social media

Find local social media pages where you can report your missing cat and don’t forget to include their photograph. If your cat is still missing after a few days, don’t be afraid to post again on the same page as it’s likely to be seen by some different people the second time around.

Contact your local veterinary practice or cat shelter

Sometimes lost cats will be taken to vets or cat shelters when found by well-meaning members of the public. If you don’t find your cat in any local vets or shelters, ask them if you can leave a picture of your cat there so that they can contact you if a cat matching your description is taken in at a later date. If your cat is microchipped, they will also be able to scan the microchip to identify them.

Familiar smells

Leave some of your clothing, your cat’s bedding, your cat’s food or your cat’s litter in a covered location in the garden so that the familiar smells might tempt them home.

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