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4 essentials of responsible cat ownership

Our list of cat care essentials contains things that every cat owner should consider in order to protect the health and wellbeing of their pet. Contact your vet for more detailed information.


Every year, thousands of unwanted kittens are handed in to animal shelters around the world. Play your part in limiting the number of unwanted kittens and get your cat neutered.

In addition to controlling the kitten population, there are also health benefits to having your cat neutered, both physical and behavioural. Spaying a female cat will stop them getting cancer of the ovaries or uterus, and it will stop them going into heat, which a cat may find stressful. Castrating a male cat can stop them wandering far from home, fighting with other cats and scent marking in the home.


Vaccinations protect your pet from diseases that are potentially fatal to cats. Kittens should have an initial course of vaccinations when they are young, and older cats will need to receive booster vaccinations annually. Speak to your vet for advice on the types of vaccinations your cat will need and when to get them vaccinated.

Pet Insurance

If your cat is injured or becomes ill, veterinary treatment can cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds. Pet insurance will cover these costs up to a certain amount. There are different levels of pet insurance, so do some research to find a policy that will suit you and your pet.


Whether you have an indoor cat or an outdoor cat, proper identification is essential to ensure that your cat is returned to you in case they become lost. You can get your cat microchipped fairly cheaply at your local veterinary practice.

Unlike a collar and tag, a microchip will stay with your cat for its entire lifetime. Collars can get easily lost or snagged on branches, causing discomfort, and even injury, to your pet.

A microchip is a tiny implant, about the size of a grain of rice. It is inserted between the shoulder blades of the cat. The procedure is quick and does not require an anaesthetic. Our microchipping video shows how quick and painless the procedure is.

Once your cat is microchipped, your details will be stored on a microchip database. If your cat is lost, the microchip can be read with a handheld scanner and your details located on the database. Ensure that your contact details are kept up to date if you move house.

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