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Knowing how to find a lost cat is essential, but taking preventive measures before the unthinkable happens is perhaps even more important.

First Steps to Take to Find a Lost Cat

No pet owner ever wants to imagine a scenario in which their feline family member becomes lost, but the reality is that about 10 million pets are lost in the United States each year according to American Humane Society. That’s why it’s so important to know in advance what steps to take should the unthinkable happen.

How to Find a Lost Cat

1. Search Your Home.

If you didn’t see your cat leave, do a thorough search of every room, nook, and cranny in your home first. Cats often hide in the smallest and most unexpected places when they’re hurt or scared, so be sure to check every possible spot, including under chairs and inside cupboards.

2. Leave an Item with Your Scent Outside. 

If your search of the home turns up fruitless, then it’s time to start looking outside. Check all of the trees on your property, and hang up a piece of clothing outside as your lost cat might be able to follow your scent home. 

3. Create Fliers.

Raise awareness in the community by creating and distributing fliers that include an up-to-date picture of your cat, your contact information, and any reward you plan on giving. Fasten them at eye-level to telephone poles around the neighborhood and in other locations, such as grocery stores, rescue shelters, and veterinarian offices.

Notify your neighbors, mail carrier, and anyone else who frequents your neighborhood.

4. Contact Local Papers, Radio Stations, & Your Veterinarian.

Placing a lost cat ad in the local newspaper or on the radio can also help spread the word. Many radio stations run lost cat ads for free, and your veterinarian might have some other ideas and resources available to help bring your lost cat home.

5. Know When to Search for Your Lost Cat.

Searching for your lost cat at night can increase the chances of a reunion since sound travels much more clearly in the quiet. Bring a flashlight and a can of food or treats to open or shake to help coax your cat out into the open.

6. Consider Your Lost Cat’s Personality.

According to HomeAgain®, a cat’s personality can provide insights into where your lost pet might be. For instance, if your cat is curious, they might stray farther from home, while more cautious cats might hide at first and then try to find their way back home.

7. Stay Hopeful. 

This is easier said than done in an emergency, but never give up hope. Keep track of everything you do to find your lost cat, and don’t be afraid to try a different approach if the current one doesn’t seem to be working.

How a Cat Microchip Can Help You Find a Lost Pet

Knowing how to find a lost cat is essential, but taking preventive measures before the unthinkable happens is perhaps even more important. And one of the best ways you can ensure a speedy reunion with your lost cat is with a microchip.

Microchips are tiny devices inserted under the skin that give your cat a unique identification number. Once you upload that number and your contact information to a national registry like the HomeAgain National Pet Recovery Database, it’s saved in a permanent record.

Should your cat ever become lost, all it takes is a simple scan of your cat’s microchip, and HomeAgain will immediately contact you to share your cat’s location. Plus, your enrollment with HomeAgain includes access to a 24/7 call center filled with specialists who are trained to distribute Lost Pet Alerts to shelters and veterinarian clinics in your area. You can even create a flyer on the HomeAgain website to begin your search faster.

Because when it comes down to it, services like HomeAgain use the latest technology like cat microchips to not only help you find your lost cat, but to bring you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your feline family member has the best chance of coming home.

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