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New Year’s resolution – exercise with your dog more

Many of us plan to exercise more as part of our New Year health and fitness plan, and, as dog owners, what better way to approach this than exercising with your pet.

You may decide to join the gym in January, but they are often busy at this time of year because lots of other people have the same idea. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to take your dog with you, and the more hours you spend at the gym, the less time you’ll be able to spend exercising with your dog.

If you are looking for some inspiration to get more exercise with your dog, take a look at these tips.


Doga is basically yoga for dogs! If you love yoga, then why not take your dog to a doga class where you can perform yoga exercises together. It can help both of you relax and become more flexible, and it’s a great new way to bond with your dog.


Your dog needs to be walked every day, no matter what time of year. If you live in a colder part of the world, it can be hard to find the motivation to go outside. Invest in some warm clothing for you and your dog if he needs it to make the walk more comfortable. Try a walk in a new place to make the walk varied and interesting. If you have a larger breed of dog, why not try running with them to get the blood pumping.

Dog agility

Dog agility is great fun and it’s fantastic exercise for you and your dog as it’s very fast paced. If you practice enough, you could even take part in competitions. Dog agility can be a great extension to your dog’s daily training routine.

Increase exercise gradually

If you and your dog have been fairly sedentary over the festive period, build up your New Year exercise routine gradually, rather than overexerting yourselves from day one. Perhaps plan out how you will progress over the course of a month or so.


To keep on track with your exercise routine, give your dog an Animo activity and behavior monitor to wear. This will record how much exercise your dog is getting and allows you to set daily activity goals, making it easy to hit your daily target.

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