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Microchips for pets being brought up to date - so much more than just ID tags

When pet microchipping was introduced it was designed as a way to permanently identify a pet, ensuring that lost pets could be returned to their owners more reliably. Remarkably the same technology is used today but the modern applications of that technology have additional benefits for your pet.

Re-homing a lost pet (the original use)

The original application of the implanted pet microchip is still its most important use. The unique identification number is stored on a database against the pet owner’s contact details. When a lost animal is brought into a veterinary practice or animal shelter, the staff there can use scanners that read a pet’s microchip instantly. Using this to look on the online database, the owner can be found in minutes and reunited with their pet.

A personalized key

So we know that microchipping is a great way to identify your pet. But how else could that same technology be harnessed to benefit you and your pet’s lives? Since 2008, SureFlap have been dedicated to keeping your home a safe and secure environment whilst giving your cats the freedom they deserve. We do this by using those same microchips like an electronic door key for your cat. SureFlap pet doors store the unique code on a pet’s identification microchip, and once stored in memory, the pet door will only open for a registered pet’s microchip. Other pets in the neighborhood, with or without microchips, will be denied access. This has been shown to reduce stress for both owners and cats alike and raised the question: how else can we use this unique identification number to help care for our pets?

No more stolen dinners

You no longer have unwanted visitors making their way through the cat door but maybe you have one cat that eats everything or a dog that has a habit of stealing the cat’s dinner. What if you could apply the same access controls to your pet’s food bowl? That’s just what SureFlap have done! Using the same microchip reading technology the SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder locks a cat’s food safely away from other pets in the home. For many pet owners, mealtimes can be difficult to manage with more than one pet. The feeder makes feeding multiple pets an easier process to manage by only opening for a registered pet. And because the feeder works with a cat’s microchip, the cat will be able to open their feeder whenever they need to.

Where can I get my pet microchipped?

You can get your pet microchipped at a veterinary practice. The procedure is quick and does not require an anaesthetic. Microchips are small and are inserted under the skin using a syringe. June is National Microchipping Month, when many veterinary practices will offer a microchipping service at a discounted rate.

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