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The Tejes family

Owner discovers why her dog has poor night’s sleep thanks to Animo

Donna has a two-year-old Labradoodle called Brady. When his hair became badly matted during a long-term stay in a dog kennel, he had to be shaved to remove the tangles. Brady has an Animo activity and behaviour monitor, which helped Donna to discover that he was shaking at night and that his sleep was poor because he was cold.

She said: “We didn’t have a clue that he was cold and not sleeping until I checked the app a few days later.  Now I see the impact of shaving him in the winter.  We saw no visible signs of shaking and didn’t realise it affected his sleep.”

Whilst Brady was cold at night, Animo revealed that his nightly sleep score dipped. After discovering this, Donna gave Brady some more bedding and when she viewed the data in Animo the next day, his sleep score had gone up. The images below demonstrate how his sleep score went down after he was shaved and then up again once she made him more comfortable at night.

Brady's sleep score after he was shavedBrady's sleep score after more blankets

At night, it’s impossible to know how well your dog is sleeping, as it’s likely you’ll be sleeping too. Animo’s nightly sleep score enables you to investigate what might be affecting their sleep. Animo also detects shaking. So, if your dog is sleeping badly at night and they are shaking, it could mean that they are cold, and an extra blanket might be all it takes to help them sleep better.

We asked Donna to give us some more information about her experiences with Animo.

Brady the dogHow easy was it to attach Animo to Brady’s collar? 

Very easy.

How easy did you find the setup of the app?

Very easy – it was simple and straightforward.

Which features of Animo do you use the most? 

Activity, sleep and shaking.

Has Animo helped you to notice any other changes in Brady’s behaviour?

We see that activity plays a role with sleep. When he is less active his sleep score is lower.

Has Animo helped you to care for Brady better?

Definitely. The app shows what we can’t see.  

Would you recommend Animo to other dog owners?

Yes, I have. I’ve recommended it to my friends. 

Do you have any other feedback you would like to share?

While both my husband and I were out of town this week Brady spent the week at the kennel. I had hoped to return and see his data while at the kennel. Unfortunately, they took his collar off. We pay for extra play days and the app would confirm if he actually received that play time. We are both traveling again in April and will make sure they do not remove his collar, so we can see his data when we return. I want Brady to be comfortable at the kennel when we travel, so I’m looking forward to seeing this on our next trip. If Animo shows that he is severely stressed, we will look into another kennel or consider someone staying at our house.

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