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How to help indoor cats deal with other cats in your home

If you have a cat who stays indoors all the time, perhaps due to illness, age or out of habit, and you have other cats in your home, you will need to take steps to ensure harmony is maintained. Check out these top tips to ensure your indoor cat is kept happy.

Cat flaps

If your other cats have outdoor access, it’s a good idea to get a cat flap with DualScan™ technology so that your indoor cat is kept safely inside whilst your other cats can come and go freely. The SureFlap DualScan Microchip Cat Flap can help you achieve this. The SureFlap Microchip Cat Flap Connect also features DualScan technology, with the added benefit of being app-controlled. Both products prevent intruder animals entering your home.

Food and water

Make sure your indoor cat has access to their food and water which is in a separate location to the resources for your other cats. If your cat stays indoors due to illness or age and requires prescription or age-related food, you could give them a SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder so that the other cats can’t access their special food.


You might not think that you need to microchip your indoor cat, but it’s a good idea to in case they escape through an open window or door. A cat who is not used to going outside may become disorientated and might be more likely to get lost. Having a microchip also means that your indoor cat can operate a SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder without the need to wear a collar and tag.

Litter tray

While your outdoor cats will probably go outside to use the toilet, your indoor cat will need a litter tray. It’s a good idea to have multiple litter trays around your home, so that your cat can go to the toilet in peace. If you only provide one litter tray and the other cats are hanging around it, accidents on the carpet could happen if your indoor cat feels intimidated by their presence. Keep the litter trays clean as your cat might be reluctant to use them if they are dirty.


Your indoor cat should have access to toys and scratching posts so that they can entertain themselves and keep their claws in shape. Even though your outdoor cats will be able to find enrichment and places to scratch their claws outside, you should still have enough toys and scratching posts to go around, so that disagreements don’t ensue when all your cats are spending time inside.

Indoor stressors

If the noise of children, building work etc. upsets your cats, the outdoor cats will be able to go outside to escape the noise. As your indoor cat won’t be able to do this, you will need to make sure they have access to plenty of hiding places in your home. Even outdoor cats might want to seek indoor hiding places at times. Additionally, be sure to teach your children to be calm around your cat if they have a nervous disposition, and before carrying out any building work, consider if it is really necessary.

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