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Essential vaccinations for your feline friend

As with all pets, cats are susceptible to certain diseases so it’s important to ensure your cat’s vaccinations are up to date. Vaccinations are an important part of your cat’s health and they can be administered quickly and conveniently at your local veterinary surgery.

Kittens need to be vaccinated at 9 weeks old and then again at 12 weeks. Cats also need booster vaccinations throughout their lives. Speak to your vet for more information about vaccinating your cat.

So what diseases will your cat need to be vaccinated against?

Cat Flu

Cat flu commonly affects domestic cats. A vaccination won%u2019t completely eradicate cat flu, as there are many different strains of the virus but it can protect your cat from feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV), both common strains of cat flu.

Feline Enteritis

If cats catch feline enteritis, there is a 10% chance they will die of the disease. Even cats that catch feline enteritis and survive can take weeks to recover. Vaccinations for this disease have been highly successful in combatting it.

Feline Leukaemia

Vaccinations against feline leukaemia are generally recommended for cats in at risk groups such as those that like spending a lot of time outdoors. Feline leukaemia affects a cat%u2019s immune system and is one of the most common causes of death in young cats.

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