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Caring for your dog’s paws in winter

When it’s very cold outside, a dog’s paws need some extra attention. Here are our top tips to help you care for your dog’s paws this winter.

Trim paw fur 

If your dog has long fur on its paws, be sure to trim it regularly during the winter to prevent ice and snow building up, which can cause discomfort or even damage their feet.

Paw balm

Apply paw protection balm to your dog’s paw pads before setting out on a winter walk. This will help to protect them from the elements.

Dog boots

When it’s very cold or snowing, you could give your pet special dog boots to wear.  Not all dogs will want to wear them, so it’s best to let your dog try them on at home several times before letting them wear them outdoors. When your dog has the boots on, reward them to let them know that wearing the boots will help them. Only once your dog seems happy wearing them should you venture outside.

Avoid salt

Salt can irritate your dog’s feet, cause burns or make your dog unwell if they lick their paws. Therefore, try to avoid walking your dog through heavily salted areas. This could mean that you will need to steer clear of busy roads where there could be a lot of salt around. It’s a good idea to stick to grassy areas where there is unlikely to be any salt.

Clean your dog’s paws

After each walk, clean and dry your dog’s paws to remove any salt, snow or de-icer that they may have walked through. De-icer can be toxic so it’s important to remove all possible traces of it. Drying your dog’s paws will also ensure that they warm up as quickly as possible when they come in from the cold.

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