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Heat stroke in cats – symptoms and prevention

When the temperatures soar, we need to keep a close eye on our cats to ensure they don’t suffer from heat stroke. Heat stroke is when a cat’s body temperature rises. Below you will find the symptoms to look out for and how to prevent heat stroke in cats.

Symptoms of heat stroke

Cats suffering from heat stroke may display some or all of these symptoms:

  • Panting
  • Red tongue
  • Drooling
  • Sweating from their feet
  • Agitation and disorientation
  • Vomiting
  • High temperature

If your cat has any of these symptoms, take them to the vet straight away for treatment as heat stroke can have a serious impact on their health.

Preventing heat stroke

Make sure your cat is comfortable during the summer months and follow these top tips to ensure they are less likely to suffer from heat stroke during hot weather:

Staying hydrated

Ensure your cat has access to multiple fresh water sources both inside and outside of the home so that they are encouraged to drink whenever they need to. Some cats prefer to drink running water, so you could leave a tap dripping or give them a pet fountain to drink from.

Wet cat food is another great way for your cat to stay hydrated as it has a high water content. If you decide to change your cat’s diet you should do so gradually to prevent an upset stomach.

Gentle exercise

When playing with your cat during hot weather, try to keep the play gentle so that they do not overexert themselves and to prevent them overheating. Try to limit play to the cooler periods of the day such as the early morning or evening.

Access to shade

If your cat likes to spend a lot of time outside, make sure your garden has plenty of shade. Broad leafed plants, large pots, trees and parasols all work well.

Cool spaces

If your cat spends a lot of time indoors, give them access to the cooler areas of the house. Keep the curtains closed so that the whole house stays cooler.

A bathroom is a great place for cats to cool off as they may decide to sit in the sink or bath to take advantage of the cool ceramic surfaces.

Line a cat bed with a damp towel and put a fan on in the house to create a cool breeze.

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