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How to minimise the stress on your cat when moving house

Moving house can be a stressful time, but what can you do to minimise the stress on your cat? If you are a cat owner that will soon be moving house, take a look at our tips below to ensure the move runs smoothly for both you and your pet.

Before the move

Before you start moving your belongings out, confine your cat to one room in the house along with his favourite toys, food, bedding and a litter tray. Only once you have moved everything else out should you then pop your kitty into his carrier and clear that room out. Put some of your cat’s toys or bedding into the carrier to make him feel more comfortable.

After the move

When you arrive at your new home, confine your cat to one room initially. Place the cat carrier in that room and open the door, giving him the chance to come out when he’s ready. Introduce your cat to the other rooms in the house gradually. Don’t force him to go anywhere he doesn’t want to go. Spread his scent around the home using his toys and bedding so that his new home smells more like the old one.

To minimise stress, use a plug-in pheromone diffuser to relax your cat while he explores his new environment.

Outdoor cats

Outdoor cats should be confined indoors initially to let them acclimatise to their new environment. If you let them out as soon as you move house, they might try to find their way back to their old home. Keep your cat indoors for a couple of weeks or until you feel he has settled into the new house.

The first few times you let your cat outside, accompany your cat into the garden to make him feel safe and invite him back inside with some of his favourite treats.

If you haven’t moved far from your old house, give the people that bought your house a picture of your cat and ask them to let you know if he turns up on their doorstep unexpectedly.

Do not encourage neighbouring cats into your garden – your cat might see them as a threat.

Protecting your cat in his new home

Ensure that your cat is microchipped before you let him outside. Microchips are a permanent form of identification, unlike tags and collars that can become lost. Even if you have an indoor-only cat, it is important that he is microchipped, just in case he slips out through an open window or door.

Install a SureFlap Microchip Cat Flap in your new home to prevent intruder animals gaining access. Your cat will feel more secure in his new environment if intruders are kept at bay. And if you want to monitor your cat's movements in and out of the house, you could install a SureFlap Microchip Cat Flap Connect which records your cat's comings and goings and sends you a notification every time your cat uses the cat flap.

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