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Cat Health & Behaviour

Top 3 Reasons Why Microchipping Cats Matters

From offering peace of mind in an emergency to giving you real-time insights into your cat’s activity with microchip-enabled devices, here are the most important reasons why microchipping cats matters.

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Body language indicators of fear, anxiety and stress in cats

Behaviour consultant Mikkel Becker shares how a cat’s body language might indicate that they are stressed.

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Relationship between cat body condition score and diseases

A study conducted in the 90s by the Department of Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Ithaca, USA investigated the associations between body condition and diseases in cats. It found that cats that are underweight or overweight are more likely to become unwell.

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Key signs that intruder cats are entering your garden

Generally, cats do not get on with other cats outside of their own social group, so neighbouring cats or stray cats entering your garden can upset your cat. Here are some key signs that you have other cats coming into your garden.

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Key signs that intruder cats are entering your home

Intruder cats in your home can cause stress to your cat and damage to your home. You might never see another cat in your house, but your cat’s behaviour can give you clues that there has been an intruder animal in your home. Some signs are obvious, while others may be more subtle. We take a look at some things to look out for.

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How to manage your cat’s behaviour

There is always a reason behind your cat’s behaviour. Often certain behaviours can be seen as ‘naughty’ but in fact their behaviour is an indicator that they might be stressed, upset or unwell. Here we take a look at the best ways to manage your cat’s behaviour to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

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Monitoring your cat’s behaviour using Sure Petcare connected products

Cats are solitary creatures and may spend a lot of time separated from their owners, either through choice or because their owners are out for much of the day. This can make it difficult for owners to keep on top of their cat’s behaviour. Sure Petcare connected products help owners to fill in the gaps.

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Why do cats meow?

Cats meow for different reasons and their meowing behaviour could change when they grow from kitten, to adult cat, to senior cat. It could also be an indication of illness or distress, so any changes in your cat’s meows should be monitored and investigated.

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Why a healthy weight is important for your cat

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to ensure your cat leads a happy, healthy lifestyle. Here are a few things to consider.

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Top tips to help your cat take their medicine

At some time in their lives, your cat might need to take medicine, so it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the best ways to tackle this tricky task. With a bit of practice, you should have no trouble giving your cat medicine at home.

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Exercise tips for older cats

Older cats may have joint problems or age-related health conditions, but it’s still important for them to get exercise. It can keep them healthy and help to prevent obesity. Here are some top tips to help your older cat to exercise safely.

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How to encourage your cat to exercise more

Cats are very independent, often solitary creatures, so ensuring they get enough exercise can be difficult. Take a look at these top tips to encourage your cat to exercise more.

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6 ways to encourage your cat to drink more

To avoid kidney problems, it’s important to ensure your cat stays hydrated, particularly during hot weather. Take a look at these top tips to encourage your cat to drink more.

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Understanding a cat’s behaviour

By understanding a cat’s normal, natural behaviour, you can create a closer, more empathetic bond with your cat. Understanding a cat’s behaviour starts with looking at the domestic cat’s wild roots.

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Looking after elderly cats

Cats, like people, tend to live a slower pace of life when they get older. They are considered geriatric from 12 years of age, and may need a little bit of extra attention to ensure they are happy, healthy and comfortable in their old age.

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Creating a safe space for your cat to hide

Cats like to hide when they feel threatened, both when they are inside the house or outside. Situations such as new visitors to your home, building work, neighbouring pets or the presence of a new resident pet might all lead your cat to seek shelter. Here are a few ideas to help you create a safe space for your cat to hide whenever they need to.

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How to deal with biting behaviour in cats

Cats will bite for different reasons and it’s important to identify what those reasons are in order to find a solution.

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Essential vaccinations for your feline friend

As with all pets, cats are susceptible to certain diseases so it’s important to ensure your cat’s vaccinations are up to date. Vaccinations are an important part of your cat’s health and they can be administered quickly and conveniently at your local veterinary surgery.

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Caring for cats with feline asthma

Cats that develop feline asthma suffer in a similar way to humans that have asthma. If your cat has prolonged coughing fits, difficulty breathing and an accelerated heart rate then take them for a check-up.

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Beware of plants that are poisonous to cats

Many of us like to adorn our houses and gardens with plants and flowers, but cat owners should familiarise themselves with plants that are poisonous to cats in order to protect their much loved pets. A bunch of lilies might look pretty, but they are toxic to cats.

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Introducing nervous cats to new pet products

Cats can sometimes feel nervous when a new product is introduced to their environment, especially if it is a product they are being asked to interact with on a daily basis. Older cats that have lived in the same home for years can find any changes to their daily routine particularly difficult. With a bit of time and patience, most cats can be persuaded to use a new pet product.

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Understanding your cat’s territory and preventing territory-related stress

Cats like to have a very distinct territory to call their own; this could be just your home and garden, or it may stretch across a much larger area. Any disruption to their territory can cause your cat to become stressed.

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Reasons cats spray and how to prevent it

Cats will choose to spray in the home for a number of reasons. Discover the cause of the problem and learn how to prevent it.

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Why cats claw and how to prevent unwanted clawing in the home

Clawing is natural behaviour in cats, but some stressors can cause a cat to claw more. Find out how to recognise why cats claw and learn how to prevent unwanted clawing in your home.

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