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The Larcombe family

Connected pet door alerts owner to cat’s absence

Louise has a SureFlap Microchip Pet Door Connect for her cats, and it’s already helped to ensure the safety of one of her cats in a big way. We got in touch with her to find out how one of her cats almost lost one of its nine lives...

How has the Microchip Pet Door Connect helped you so far?

Mischief the catI believe that it has already saved my cat Mischief's life... I had been on holiday and my brother was cat sitting my two cats, Salem and Mischief. When I got home, Mischief was not in the house, so I checked the app to see when she had last been in the house. The app advised that Mischief hadn't been in the house for 20 hours, which was unusual. Because of this I went outside and called her name, with no response. I went to the bottom of the garden and called her name again. I heard a little crying meow; Mischief was trapped in next door’s greenhouse in nearly 30-degree heat! Obviously I rushed next door to rescue her! Her brother Salem also rushed to her. It seemed he hadn't realised she was missing either!

If it weren't for the app, I wouldn't have been able to check when she was last in the house, and I would have just called her from the doorway and would not have heard her little cries. Who knows how long it would have taken for me to realise that she was definitely missing, and for me, or my neighbours to find her! I suspect she would not have lasted long in the greenhouse in this heatwave. Thank you Sure Petcare for creating this product. Mischief thanks you too!

How did you find the setup of the Microchip Pet Door Connect?

Setting up the Microchip Pet Door Connect was very easy.

Where have you installed the pet door?  

I have installed the pet door in my back door, so that they go out in to the garden.

How do you feel that the pet door benefits you and your cats?

They love exploring, and the pet door means that they can go in and out when they please. 

Has the pet door provided you with more control over your cats’ access?

Locking it remotely is very handy for when they need go to the vets. Previously I had to lock my old cat flap in the morning before I went to work to make sure that they were in, but now I can lock it at any time using my phone.

Has the pet door enabled you to have any further insight in the behaviour of your cats?

I can't believe how many times they go in and out! It's particularly funny when it's snowing. They are in and out in a minute! It's a no to snow.

Does the pet door make you feel more connected to your cats?

It provides a sense of relief in the warmer months. If you don't see them for a few days, at least I know that they are okay as I can check the app to check that they have been in the house.

How did you find the setup of the app?

Very easy.

How often do you use the app and when do you interact with the app most?

I use it when I am away to check the cats are okay. If I am away for more than a day I have a cat sitter but I still like to check. I also sometimes just go on to see if they are in or out if I am at work and just curious!

Is there any area of the app that you have used most?

I like to know if they are in or out of the house, and what times they have been in or out. Also, it's interesting to see the difference between how long my cats go out on average in a day (one is long haired and one is short haired which I think is the main reason for the big difference!)

Is there any additional feedback you would like to share?

Just that it's a great product.

Would you recommend the product?

I have already recommended the Microchip Pet Door Connect to everybody I know, and would recommend it to anybody who needs a cat flap. 

In the Larcombe home...

Microchip Pet Door Connect (2.4GHz) - White

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