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The Mackness family

Pet door upgrade gives cat owner greater peace of mind

Jo had a Microchip Pet Door for her cats to stop intruder animals bullying her cats in their home. When the Microchip Pet Door Connect became available, she snapped one up. We got in touch with her to find out how she's getting on with it.

Jo, can you tell us the age and names of your cats?

My cats are called Jack and Belle who are brother and sister and they will be 5 years old in July.  I rehomed them from the Cats Protection League when they were 10 months old.  They didn’t have the best start in life and as a result are quite timid but very close and take good care of each other.

Why did you decide to purchase a Microchip Pet Door Connect?

I already had a Microchip Pet Door as Jack used to bring his friend Harley round, which was fine with me but Belle wasn’t very happy about it!  As soon as I heard that there was going to be a Microchip Pet Door Connect I knew this would be the product for me!  Although with the normal pet door I knew they were safe from intruders, I always worried about them going outside as they are very timid.  If I got in from work and there was no sign of them I would worry they hadn’t been home all day so I knew that the Microchip Pet Door Connect would help put my mind at ease.

How did you find the setup of the Microchip Pet Door Connect?

Really easy!  I had previously had the pet door fitted and the new Microchip Pet Door Connect fitted straight into the gap so it was easy to do myself.  I was a bit worried about setting up the Hub as I am a complete technophobe but the instructions were really clear and I had no problems whatsoever.

How do you feel that the pet door has/will benefit you and your cats?

It gives me great peace of mind.  As previously mentioned, I used to really worry about my cats getting lost when they go out on adventures and when I got home from work, if they weren’t in I had no way of knowing if they had been about during the day.  With the Microchip Pet Door Connect I can see their comings and goings when I am at work which is very reassuring.    

Has the pet door provided you with more control over your cats’ access?

100% – I use the curfew mode as I don’t like them being outside overnight and it unlocks in the morning so they don’t have to come and wake me up!  If I am away from the house and I am worried about them being outside, during a bad storm for example, I am able to lock them inside remotely which is very handy.

Has the pet door enabled you to have any further insight into the behaviour of your cats?

Yes, it has given me a great insight into their behaviour and shows that Belle is mainly a home bird and only goes out for a few hours a day (this was down to one hour a day in the winter) and that Jack likes to be outside more often.  I love the insights part of the app which shows their average time spent outside and daily activity.

Belle cat Microchip Pet Door Connect case studyJack cat Microchip Pet Door Connect case study

Did you notice any changes in your cats’ behaviour after installing the pet door?

After monitoring their activity for many months via the app, I knew something was wrong when Jack would hardly leave the house and Belle stayed in most days.  When I got home they were very nervous and scared. They were back to what they were like when they first arrived, so I knew something wasn’t right.  This is when I realised they were being bullied and were too scared to leave the house.  Thankfully they were very safe inside. The bully situation is now rectified.  After knocking on lots of doors I realised that the bully cat was a stray and I got him to the vets for scanning, treatment and rehoming. The Microchip Pet Door Connect played a big part in this process as that’s how I first realised there was an issue.

Does the pet door make you feel more connected with your cats?

Yes, I love feeling that I am connected to them when I am away from the house.  Jack usually comes in about 5 minutes before I get in from work and he is waiting for his tea.  They have no idea that I am spying on them all day and he acts like he has been waiting ages!

How did you find the setup of the app?

Really simple and I had no problems at all with it.   It was very easy to connect to the pet door and the Hub. If I can manage it then anyone can!

How often do you use the app and when do you interact with the app most?

I use the app every day when I’m at work to just keep an eye on things and make sure both cats are accounted for.  Now I know their movements I tend not to worry if Jack is gone for hours at a time.

Is there any area of the app that you have used most?

I love the notifications I get throughout the day. I also love the way it tells me if one of them has just looked into the house but not actually entered.  Jack does this a lot!  I look at the insights and reports page throughout the week and use the curfew regularly.

Is there any additional feedback you would like to share?

I would just like to add that the Microchip Pet Door Connect is the best product I have ever purchased and it is worth every penny.  On the odd occasion when I do have a query or issue, the customer support is second to none.

Would you recommend the product?

I would recommend this product to every cat owner.  When my cats were being bullied, a lot of my neighbours said the bully cat was getting inside their house and attacking their cats.  I did recommend to all of them they invest in a Microchip Pet Door to keeps their cats safe.

How did you first hear about Sure Petcare?

I first heard about Sure Petcare through friends and colleagues a number of years ago.  As soon as my rescue cats started venturing out I knew it was the only option for us so made the purchase.

In the Mackness home...

Microchip Pet Door Connect (2.4GHz) - White

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